Some Korean phrases, how to say them, and what they mean.

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Have a full-hearted and generous Hangawi.
마음까지 넉넉해지는 풍성한 한가위 보내세요 "Maeumkkaji neokneokhaejineun pungseonghan hangawi bonaeseyo."
Have a nice Chuseok with your family.
가족들과 함께 즐거운 추석 보내세요. "Gachokdeulgwa hamkke cheulkeoun chuseok bonaeseyo."
Have a happy Chuseok with a bright full moon.
밝은 보름달처럼 행복한 추석 보내세요. "Balkeun boreumdalcheoreum haengbokhan chuseok bonaeseyo."
Have a rich and leisurely Hangawi.
풍요롭고 여유로운 한가위 보내세요. "Pungyorobgo yeoyuroeun hangawi bonaeseyo."
Have a full-hearted Chuseok like the full moon.
보름달처럼 마음마저 가득찬 풍요로운 추석 보내세요. "Boreumdalcheoreum maeummaja gadeukchan pungyoroeun chuseok bonaeseyo."